The e-portfolio is a place to collect and store some of your best work from all of your classes and internship here at SEU. The ePortfolio also allows for organizing and reflecting on items that represent your learning. You can include documents, graphics, audio files, videos, presentations, course work, etc. that demonstrate your improvement or mastery in a certain area. This tutorial shows how to create an ePortfolio presentation that can be shared with your instructors or potential employers. Notes: Prior to building your presentation, it is important to add all needed items that you would like to add to your ePortfolio personalized webpage into your ePortfolio account as artifacts. Here is a link to a tutorial in the MyFIRE Student Resources course on how to upload an artifact. The e-portfolio also serves the COE and FLDOE as a progress monitoring tool to track your growth during your program. Your e-portfolio will be checked for progress four times during your coursework at SEU. These checkpoints are to confirm correct artifact placement only. The artifacts themselves must be the completed and approved assignments from the courses listed below. 1. In the Field Study 1 course by the professor. 2. In the Field Study 2 course by the professor. 3. In the Field Study 3 course by the professor. 4. For ESE majors, in the Field Study 4 course by the professor. 5. At the end of your Student Teaching EDUC 4912/ESED 5712 ESE Student Teaching by the Student Teaching professor. The e-portfolio is solely your responsibility to hold, maintain, and submit as required. Additionally for group presentation projects, please refer to the ‘How to Share Individual Items in ePortfolio Internally within MyFIRE’ tutorial to know how to share a presentation to a classmate. However, when it is time to share the presentation with your instructor or potential employer, please follow the directions in the ‘How to Share an ePortfolio Presentation’ within the MyFIRE Student Resource course. Steps to build an ePortfolio: Step 1. Log into MyFIRE Learning Portal. Step 2. On the homepage, select User Tools from the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Step 3. A drop-down menu will appear. Select ePortfolio. Step 4. When the page refreshes, to the right of the screen under Build your ePortfolio, select New Presentation. Step 5. Title your presentation in the Name field using your First & Last Name.
Step 6. Next, add a description: This ePortfolio showcases my best work from all of my College of Education classes and internship while at SEU. Step 7. Then create tag(s) to associate keywords with the presentation to make it easier to locate at a later date. You can search for items with specific tags, and other users can use your tags to search for items (Your items will not show unless shared). Once you have created your tag(s), select Add Tag. Tags can be added in bulk by separating them with commas. Enter COE as one of the tags. When you’re adding items from specific classes, include the class title as a tag. A. To make a multiple-word tag, place double quotes around the entire phrase. For example: typing winter project makes the two words a single tag. B. To make a private tag that only you can see, type an @ symbol in front of the tag. For example: typing @draft adds a private @draft tag to an item that other users will not see when you share the item with them. C. To make a private multiple-word tag, put the at symbol before the quotation marks, for example: @rough draft.
Step 8. Under the Comments/Assessments title, the ‘Allow others to add/view comments and assessments’ checkbox(s) are checked by default. Leave both permissions checked. If these options are not selected, the user that you share your presentation with will not be able to view your ePortfolio. Step 9. If you would like to attach a rubric to the presentation, select Add Rubrics to attach an existing rubric from your course(s). Note: To add a rubric from a specific course, first navigate to the desired course in your MyFIRE account. Then, enter the ePortfolio from the User Tools menu to access the rubrics for a specific course. Additionally, if your professor would like for a specific rubric to be added, please ask him or her for the exact rubric title to ensure that the correct rubric is being added to the presentation. A. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. B. Search for the desired rubric by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon. C. Then select the desired rubric(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the item.
D. Click Add Selected at the bottom of the pop-up window. The newly attached rubric will appear under the Add Rubrics button. i. If a rubric was attached and needs to be removed, select the X icon to the right of the rubric title to delete the attached rubric. Step 10. Then select Save at the bottom of the page. Step 11. Once save is selected, a new option will appear under the properties tab listing any associated reflections that are linked to the presentation. If you would like to add a reflection, continue on to step 12. Step 12. Next, select the Content/Layout tab at the top of the page.
A. If desired, change the location for the navigation bar in your presentation web page by selecting Edit Presentation Navigation. i. Choose Navigation Before Content option for the presentation look and feel: ii. Select Save.
B. Then change the layout of the content areas in your presentation web page by selecting Edit Page Layout. i. Select the One Content Area page layout for your presentation. ii. Select Save. C. Next, add the desired amount of pages that you will need in your presentation web page by selecting the New Page paper icon to add additional pages. Note: For your education ePortfolio you will need the following pages: Introduction, FEAP Tasks, Awards, and Reading Endorsement. If you are an ESE student, you will also need a page for your Autism Endorsement. Please see the screenshot below.
i. For each pape added, a pop-up window will appear. Title the new page in the Page name field, starting with your Introduction page. ii. Then decide if the title of the page should be hidden to viewers or not based on your discretion. If the title should be hidden, select the Hide Name checkbox.
iii. Next, decide if the newly created page should be listed in the navigation panel. If not, then select the Hide Page checkbox. iv. Select Save at the bottom of the pop-up window. v. Once you have added all 4 (5 if ESE) pages to the presentation, you can choose to reorder the pages if desired. To reorder the pages, select the Reorder Pages up and down arrow icon within the Pages section. 1. When the page refreshes, change the order of the pages by changing the corresponding page numbers on the right side of the page to the desired page number. 2. Select Save at the bottom of the page.
vi. The heading that states “New Page” in the page section is the first page of the presentation. This title can be changed by selecting the drop-down arrow to the right of “New Page.” 1. When the drop-down menu appears, select Page Properties to change the title of the page. Then repeat steps Ci-Civ. 2. If you would like to delete the page, select Delete from the drop-down menu. Then confirm if you like to delete the page by selecting Yes or No. D. Next, add content to your presentation: i. Under the Content area(s) for each page, select Add Component.
ii. A pop-up window will appear. Select the type of content (based on the page requirements) that will be added to the selected content area. The types of content items are explained below the page requirements. iii. Page Requirements. A. The Introduction page should include: An example can be seen below: i. Photograph (Just you, looking professional). ii. Personality Profile (Myers-Briggs or other similar personality profile). iii. Paper: Why I want to be an educator (Faith Integration EDUC 3713). iv. Paper: Philosophy of education (updated in Student Teaching EDUC 4912). v. Resume (updated in Student Teaching EDUC 4912). vi. College Transcript (at the conclusion of Student Teaching EDUC 4912). vii. Letters of recommendation.
B. The FEAPS Tasks page, should include: tasks listed by course. Course in Which Task is Assigned & Assessed, Portfolio Tasks, FEAPs, Course in Which Task is Checked in Portfolio
Introduction to Education
Chapter Extension Presentation (PPT), b.1.e, Field Study 1
Goals Chart, b.1.a, Field Study 1
Field Study 1
Language Arts Lesson Observation, 8.1, Field Study 1
Math Lesson Observation, 8.5, Field Study 1
Educational Psychology
Final Exam Lesson Plan, a.1.a, Field Study 2
Support System Interview, a.2.f, Field Study 2
Teaching Principles & Practices
Best Practices Presentation, a.1.b; a.1.e, Field Study 2
Team/Class Builder, a.1.f, Field Study 2
Faith Integration
Educational Philosophy Paper, a.2.c, Field Study 2
Lesson Plan #4, a.3.e, Field Study 2
Empowering ESOL
Week Long Differentiated Content Unit, a.1.a; a.1.b; a.3.f; 7.5; 8.3, Field Study 2
ESOL Teacher Websites & Lesson Plan, a.3.g; 7.4, Field Study 2
Field Study 2
FEAPs Worksheet b.2, b.2, Field Study 2
Parent Newsletter, a.2.d; a.4.e; 7.3, Field Study 2
Case Study, a.4.a; b.1.b, Field Study 3
Lesson Plan based on Standards-Based Assessment, 7.5, Field Study 3
Assessment for ESE Learners
Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Lesson Plan, 7.5, Beginning of Internship
ESE Graduate Practicum
Assessment Case Study, a.4.a; b.1.b, Beginning of Internship
Survey of ESE
Movie Critique, a.2.b, Field Study 3
Scenario-Based Lesson Plan, a.1.a, a.1.b, a.1.c, a.1.d, a.1.f, a.2.a, a.2.h, a.3.h, a.4.b, a.4., Field Study 3
Instructional Technology
PowerPoint Interactive Student Project, a.3.j, Field Study 3
SMART Interactive Technology project, a.2.i, Field Study 3
Content Area Reading
Video-taped lesson & reflection, 8.1; 8.6, Field Study 3
Reading Unit, a.1.d; a.3.b; 8.4, Field Study 3
Field Study 3
Cooperating Teacher Lesson Observation, a.2.f; a.3.a; a.3.i; b.1.b; 7.2; 8.1, Field Study 3
University Supervisor Lesson Observation, a.1.c; a.3.f; a.3.h; a.3.j; 7.5; 8.5, Field Study 3
Classroom Management
Mock Parent Conference, a.4.e; b.1.c, Student Teaching (tasks)
First Days Presentation, a.3.i; b.1.e, Student Teaching (tasks)
ESED 4533 Behavior/Classroom Mgt.
Behavior Intervention Plan, a.2.b; a.2.h; a.2.d; a.3.d; a.3.i, ESE Field Study 4
Student Teaching  (tasks)
Content/Subject Area Literacy Project, a.3.b; a.4.b; a.4.f; 8.6, Student Teaching (tasks)
Professional Growth Chart, b.1.a; b.1.d; b.1.e, Student Teaching (tasks)
Student Teaching  (final)
Form I (Cooperating Teacher's Summation), All, Student Teaching (tasks)
Form J (University Supervisor's Summation), All, Student Teaching (tasks). For each page that list classes, such as the FEAPS page, follow the steps below: 1. For each class that needs to be added, add a text area component. Name the page and the content text as the class name and number order. Repeat for each class that needs to be listed on the FEAPS page. 2. By selecting the three-dot icon, change the class title in the content area to bold and increase the font size to the desired size. 3. For each file item that needs to be added under a class on the FEAPS page, add the item as an artifact after selecting add component. Repeat for each artifact. Review step 12.d.i. if needed.
A. When adding an artifact, select the checkbox next to the desired item, and then select add at the bottom of the pop-up window. 4. Then reorder the class titles (text areas) and the artifacts (files for each course) to be in the desired order by selecting the up and down arrows. 5. Once the class titles and artifacts are reordered, the ePortfolio page will look similar to the screenshot below. If your page does not look similar to the screen below, please review the steps.
above. If your page does look similar, please build the next pages of the presentation by following the same steps. C. The Awards page should include: i. Letters of commendation. ii. Certificate(s) of training. iii. Professional organization membership(s). iv. Participation in SEU campus activities: Resident Assistant 3 years, Senate Representative in SGA, Student Advisory Council. v. Photographs (of you teaching, your classroom, your lesson artifacts, bulletin boards, etc.). vi. Other (anything that showcases your excellence as a teacher and servant leader). D. The Reading Endorsement page should include tasks listed by course. An example is shown below. 

Introduction to Reading, 1. Lesson plan, 2. Reading notebook
Diagnosis, Assessment, and Evaluation of Reading, 1. 10 Lesson plans (use a folder), 2. 10 reflections (use a folder), 3. Case study
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas, 1. Text Set, 2. One week reading unit
Methods of Teaching Language Arts, 1. Thematic unit, 2. Guided reading lesson
Student Teaching, 1. Reading unit.
E. The Autism Endorsement page (ESE only) should include the information below. Also, an example is shown below. 
Survey of the Exceptional Learner, 1. Differentiated Lesson plan
Language Development and Communication Disorders, 1. Student Presentation and Research on Language Development Period, 2. Student Presentation and Research on Language Disorders, 3. Language-Based Lesson Plan
Assessment of ESE Learners, 1. Review of Test Protocols, 2. Curriculum-Based Assessment Project, 3. Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Lesson Plan
Instructional Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 1. Differentiated Lesson Plan for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2. Journal Article Review, 3. Student Presentation on Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Instructional Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, 1. Case Studies Assignment, 2. Student Presentation, 3. Differentiated Lesson Plan for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Transitional Programming for Adolescents and Young Adults, 1. Field Experience Portfolio, 2. Transition-Planning Curriculum Design, Implementation and Presentation Project
Emotional Disabilities & Behavior Disorders, 1. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), 2. Journal Articles Review
ESE Field Study 1, 1. Field Journal Entries
ESE Field Study 4, 2. Field Journal Entries
F. The Gifted Endorsement page (ESE only) should include the following. 
Educational Psychology, 1. ESE Support System Interview
Survey of ESE
ESE Practicum, 1. Case Study & Educational Plan for Gifted, 2. Summary of Results of Test Administration
Assessment of ESE, 1. Review of Test Protocols
Learning Disabilities / ADHD, 1. Mini-Centers for Gifted LD
Intellectual Disabilities, 1. Lesson Plan Differentiated for Gifted Populations
Gifted Education, 1. Discussion Paper on Identifying Gifted, 2. Strategies, Comparison, Maker Paper, 3. Differentiated Curriculum Scenario Worksheet, 4. Diversity in Gifted Education Paper, 5. Young Child Paper, 6. Creative Traits in the Classroom Worksheet, 7. Scavenger Hunt Reflection Paper, 8. Pertinent Information to Expedite Service, 9. Unit Plan
iv. The types of content items: 1. Artifact - This option allows you to add an individual item that you have added to your ePortfolio that is not included in a collection. A. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. B. Search for the desired artifact item by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon.
C. Then select the desired artifact(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the artifact. Note: You will not be able to preview the item before making your selection. D. Select Add at the bottom of the pop-up window. 2. Artifact, Reflection, or Learning Objective from a Collection - This option allows you to add artifact items, reflections or learning objectives that have been added to a collection of items. A. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. B. Search for the desired collection by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon. C. Then select the desired collection by selecting the Collection title.
D. When the page of the pop-up window refreshes, search and select the desired artifact(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the artifact. E. Select Add at the bottom of the pop-up window. 3. Artifacts or Reflections by Learning Objective - This option allows you to add artifact items or reflections that are attached to learning objectives. Note: Learning Objectives are in the development process of being attached to courses. For the time being, learning objectives will not be available to attach. 4. Reflection - This option allows you to add a reflection that is not attached to a specific item within your ePortfolio to your presentation. Reflections are your thoughts about your learning experiences and personally added by you to your ePortfolio. A. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. B. Search for the desired reflection by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon. C. Then select the desired reflection(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the item.
D. Select Add at the bottom of the pop-up window. 5. Text Area - This option allows you to add a text field to your presentation. The text that is added to the field is based upon your discretion. A. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. B. Name the text area. C. Add the desired text in the Content textbox. D. Select Save at the bottom of the pop-up window. Note: For further instructions on how to utilize/navigate the content HTML editor textbox, please refer to the ‘How to use the HTML Editor’ tutorial in the MyFIRE Student Resource course.
6. Information from my Profile - We do not recommend adding this information to your presentation because whatever information that is listed in your MyFIRE profile, even fields that are blank, will appear in your profile for the viewers of your presentation. Depending on who your presentation is being sent to, you may or may not want all of your information to be viewable or accessible. Be mindful of what information you are sending to the viewers of your presentation(s). A better option of adding personal information to your presentation would be to add your personal information in a Text Area (step 5 listed above) or in the presentation banner (step 13 listed below) based upon your preference. A. If selected, your profile information will automatically be added to the content area. You will not be able to choose the desired profile information individually. 7. Learning Objectives. Note: Learning Objectives are in the development process of being attached to courses. For the time being, learning objectives will not be available to attach. Step 13. Once you have added the desired content to all of the pages, select the Banner tab at the top of the page. The banner appears at the top of every page of the presentation to identify your presentation for users.
A. Enter your name in the Banner title field. B. In the banner description field, add the type of degree that you are seeking. For example: B.S. in Elementary Education. The description will be visible on each page of the presentation as well. C. Select Save at the bottom of the page. Step 14. Next, add the Rich Leather theme to your presentation by selecting Theme at the top of the page. A. Select a theme by scrolling through all of the available theme options and preview the themes by selecting the Preview icon to the right of the desired theme.
B. Choose the desired theme by clicking the corresponding Select button. C. A pop-up window will appear to confirm the changes you are about to make. Select Set Theme if you would like to move forward with your selection. i. The page will redirect you to the My Items tab. The newly created presentation will be listed at the top of the My Items list.
Step 15. Select the drop-down menu to the right of the presentation’s title to perform the following actions: A. View - This option allows you to preview the presentation in a new pop-up window.
B. Subscribe to Item Activity - This option allows you to subscribe to the activity or item from specific people that interest you. Subscription alerts display comments made on items or by people you've subscribed to. Subscription activity also appears in your minibar alerts. i. Alerts on the minibar signal new activity related to your subscriptions and invites. 1. Message alerts display recently received invites. 2. Update alerts display assessments made on items or by people you've subscribed to. 3. Subscription alerts display comments made on items or by people you've subscribed to. ii. Users can unsubscribe from an item at any time.
C. Edit - This option allows you to edit the presentation. If selected, the page will refresh to the presentation properties page and allow you access to edit any area of your presentation. D. Copy - This option allows you to make a copy of the presentation. i. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. ii. Title the copy of the presentation in the New Presentation Name field. iii. Then select Ok at the bottom of the pop-up window. E. Share - This option allows you to share the presentation via a URL link to other viewers. Please refer to the ‘How to Share a Presentation in ePortfolio’ tutorial in the MyFIRE Student Resource course for further directions.
F. Delete - This option allows you to delete the desired presentation. Please use caution when considering this option. If an item is deleted, it will not be able to be restored. i. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. ii. Then confirm if you like to delete the presentation by selecting Yes or No. G. Export - This option allows you to. i. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. ii. Choose how you would like to export the presentation: 1. Export HTML version of Presentation - the download contents from this option will be only viewable on your computer. A. Choose if you would like to include All System links by selecting the corresponding checkbox.
2. Export Presentation to an ePortfolio package - the download contents from this option will not be viewable on your computer. However, the download contents will be importable and viewable on other websites that have the capability to process the package. A. Choose if you would like to Automatically include associated items by selecting the corresponding checkbox. iii. Once the type of export has been chosen, the presentation will be loaded into a .zip file. Select the .zip file link to download the file to your computer. H. Add to Collection - This option allows you to add the presentation to a collection of items that have previously been created in your ePortfolio. i. If selected, a pop-up window will appear. ii. Search for the desired collection by typing the name or keyword in the search bar and selecting the magnifying glass icon. iii. Then select the desired collection(s) by selecting the corresponding checkbox to the left of the item.
iv. Select Add at the bottom of the pop-up window. i. Associate Learning Objectives - This option allows you to connect a learning objective to a presentation. Note: Learning Objectives are in the development process of being attached to courses. For the time being, learning objectives will not be available to attach.