Creating quizzes and quiz questions can take a lot of time to build. This is especially true if a professor would like to pull questions for quizzes from multiple question pools. The quiz question converter tool allows instructors to create a CSV file to import into a course’s question library. Once questions are within a question library, instructors can import the questions into quizzes. This tutorial demonstrates how to use the quiz question convert tool in the Brightspace community to build quiz questions. **Note: It is recommended to create one type of question (multiple choice, true/false, written response, etc) at a time in the Quiz Converter tool. By limiting the question type to one conversion, the number of potential errors will also be reduced.** Step 1. Within a Word document, create the quiz questions with the following formatting. Note: If the formatting is not correct, the question will not appear in the CVS file once finished. It is recommended to turn off automatic formatting. A. True or False (T/F): i. Type the question on a single line. ii. Enter the answer on the next line using either: True or False. iii. Do not use an identifier or enumerator in the answer line. B. Multiple Choice (MC)i. Type the question on a single line. ii. Type the answers below the question, allowing for each answer choice to be on a separate line. iii. Add an asterisk (*) in front of the correct answer choice. C. Multi-Select (M-S): i. Type the question on a single line. ii. Type the answers below the question, allowing for each answer choice to be on a separate line. iii. Add an asterisk (*) in front of the correct answer choices. D. Written Response (WR): i. Type the question on a single line. ii. Do not provide an answer. iii. Leave a blank line between the written response question and the next question. E. Short Answer (SA):i. Type the question on a single line on the next line. ii. Type SA directly before the question number and text, followed by a space. iii. Do not provide an answer. iv. Leave a blank line between the short answer question and the next question. F. Matching Question (MAT): i. Type the question on a single line on the next line. ii. Type match directly before the question number and text, followed by space. iii. Type the answer choices and their match on a separate line below the question with a slash (/) and one space on each side of the slash (choice/match). Do not include more than one slash character in each answer line. iv. Extra choices, with no corresponding match, can be added to the answer choice list. Place no text to the left of the slash ( / choice). v. Any identifiers or enumerators included will automatically be removed, regardless if “Remove enumeration from answers” is selected or not. vi. The answer match entries will be automatically randomized when the matching question appears within a quiz.G. Ordering Question (ORD): i. Type the question on a single line on the next line. ii. Type order directly before the question number and text, followed by a space. iii. Following the questions, list the answers in the correct order, with each answer on a separate line. iv. Each answer line may begin with an identifier/enumerator. v. The order of the answer list choices will be randomized when the order question appears within a quiz. Step 2. Next, add feedback and hints to questions if desired with the below formatting. If this step is not needed, continue to step 3. i. Adding Overall Feedback: In a separate line under the question text, type an “at sign” (@) immediately followed by your feedback text.ii. Adding Feedback to Answer Choices for Multiple Choice, Multi-Select, and Ordering Question Types: In a separate line under the answer text, type @@ (two “at symbols” instead of just one) immediately followed by your feedback text for that particular answer. Note: Feedback does not have to be left for every answer choice. Also, feedback can be left for both the entire question (@) and for the answers (@@) within the same question. iii. Adding Feedback to Answer Choices for True or False Question Types: Step 1. For a “true” response choice, on a separate line type T@@ immediately followed by the feedback text. Step 2. For a “false” response choice, on a separate line type F@@ immediately followed by the feedback text. iv. Adding Hints: In a separate line under the question text, type a question mark and hint: (?Hint:) immediately followed by the hint text. Hints can be included only for questions, not for text-‐only or image-‐only items.Step 3. Once finished formatting the questions, navigate to the Quiz Question Converter page. Step 4. Login with your Brightspace Community account credentials (view these directions on how to create an account). Step 5. When the page refreshes, the quiz question converter page will appear. Copy one question type at a time from the quiz and paste it into the text box on the quiz question converter page. Repeat steps 5-20 for each question type needed. Note: It is recommended to create one type of question (multiple choice, true/false, written response, etc) at a time in the Quiz Converter tool. By limiting the question type to one conversion, the number of potential errors will also be reduced.Step 6. If desired, add a default point value. Step 7. if desired, add a default difficulty value. Step 8. Then select the green convert button at the bottom of the page. This process may take a couple of minutes. If successful, a green success message will appear. A. If successful, a green message will appear at the bottom of the page. Continue tostep 9. B. If a question is not formatted properly, either a red error message will appear or nothing will happen after several minutes. i. If a red message appears: Read the error message and return to the Word document, to correct the specified question’s formatting.ii. If nothing happens after several minutes: Return to the Word document to ensure that the questions are formatted correctly. C. Then on the quiz question converter page, select clear text. D. Then repeat steps 5-8. Step 9. Once a successful download has been achieved, a CSV file will automatically download to your downloads folder on your computer. Locate and review the downloaded CVS file to ensure that all questions appear in the file. Note: If you will not be uploading the file to a course right away, creating multiple quizzes, or would like to save this file on your computer for reference, it is recommended to rename the file as desired since each quiz question converter download will all have the same name (quiz). Step 10. If all questions are present, navigate to the desired course in MyFIRE.Step 11. Once in the desired course, select Instructor Tools from the navigation bar at the top of the page. Step 12. Then select Course Admin in the drop-down menu. Step 13. When the page refreshes, locate and select Quizzes. Step 14. Then select Question Library. Step 15. When the page refreshes, select import. Step 16. A drop-down menu will appear. Select upload a file.Step 17. A pop-up window will appear. Either drag and drop the CVS file in the dashed box or browse for the desired quiz CVS file on your computer. Step 18. Once a CVS file has been attached, the file will process. If processed successfully, the pop-up window will refresh to show a green checkmark. Step 19. Then review the number of found questions that will be imported by selecting Review.Step 20. Once selected, the pop-up window will expand to show the questions that will be imported into the question library. Review the questions for correctness. A. If a more detailed review of a question needs to occur, select the magnifying glass icon to the right of the desired question. A preview of the question will appear. It may take a moment for the preview to refresh if switching between questions.B. If the questions are not correct or if any questions are missing, then it is recommended to either: Step 1. Correct the question formatting in the original Word document, and repeat the steps above in this tutorial to create a new quiz question CVS file. Then import the new CVS file. Step 2. Continue with the import of the current CVS file and correct the questions manually by editing the questions directly in the Question Library once the current import has finished. Note: This step is recommended if pictures need to be added to any questions. Step 3. If you do not want to import the incorrect questions, unselect the corresponding checkbox to the left of the incorrect question(s). Step 21. Once ready to import the questions, select Import All or Import Selected at the bottom of the pop-up window. Step 22. Once done, the newly created questions will appear at the bottom of the course’s Question Library list. The questions can be added to a quiz, survey, or self-assessment in the course by importing the questions from the question library (refer to step 10).Question Library